I believe that every person has a reason for being. My purpose is to be a conduit for every person I meet; connecting them to their purpose in a way that manifests as an expression of infinite increase and potential.
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Through Connection to Purpose.
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How can I make your work life better?
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Industrial Psychologist?

Helping Organisations thrive on Purpose.

Assessment and development of individuals:

Psychometric assessments for selection & development
Career Counselling
Self Mastery
Individual Development Plans
StengthsFinder for individuals
Executive Coaching

Enhancement of team effectiveness:

Emotional Intelligence Workshops
Insights Discovery journeys
Development planning processes
StrenghsFinder for teams
Team Coaching

Creating & sustaining flourishing environments:

Change Management
Culture Transformation
Employee Engagement
Leadership Practices
Organisational Development
Performance Management
Strategic Alignment
Talent Management


Executive Coaching

Team Optimisation

Psychometric Assessments

Talent Management

Organisational Development

Career Counselling

Stay updated with industry related information via my social media profile.

Professional Memberships

"The great danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark."

- Michelangelo